2013 雷悌爆竹版畫個展 台中日月千禧酒店
Lei Ti solo exhibition, Millennium Vee Hotel Taichung
2012 《Back Yart -倉庫型藝術博覽會》聯展 台中20號倉庫
2012 Back Yart Art Expo, Stock 20, Taichung
2012 《綻》雷悌爆竹藝術創作個展 雅琺佐設計展覽室
2012 Glow, Zes's 21 Design Studio, Kaohsiung
2012 《爆竹花園》雷悌創作個展 新思惟人文空間-帕莎蒂娜烘焙坊-文化店
2012 Firecracker Garden, Sincewell Gallery, Kaohsiung
2012 《爆竹版畫個展》 克朗德美術館
Firecracker POP, Crowned Museum, Kaohsiung
2011 《沒有共識各自表述聯展》克朗德美術館
Non-negotiable group show, Crowned Museum, Kaohsiung
2006 中國文化大學廣告系畢業
Chinese Culture University Bachelor's degree,
2000 中華藝術學校美術科畢業
Graduate Chung-Hwa School Of Art Department Of Fine
在雷悌的創作品中,其中主要探討在國際觀下的中華文化精神省思,以當代的世界觀角度重新解讀、詮釋中華文化,表現手法結合生活、時事以普普藝術(POP)精神進行探討,重新詮釋五千年中華文化深層思惟,思考如何延續龍的傳人的精神中華精神。當代藝術創作作品必然與媒材之間有著密切不可分割的關連性,畫什麼? 怎麼畫?為何畫?
爆竹(Firecracker)在中華文化中是一種特有的文化代表符號, 爆竹又稱鞭炮、鞭爆、炮仗、紙炮仔等,起源至今有2000多年的歷史。鞭炮最開始主要用于驅魔避邪,而在現代華人在傳統節日、婚禮喜慶、各類慶典、廟會活動等場合幾乎都會燃放鞭炮,燃放後留下的痕跡有著相當特殊的美感,因此成就了爆竹版畫創作理念。爆竹版畫如其名是以版畫原理的繪畫,將爆竹點燃烙印於在媒材(紙張)上所形成的繪畫,其過程繪製草稿、製作版模、點燃爆竹,創作程中由於媒材具相當大的不確定與不可預期性,其意外燃燒效果往往出其不意,形成獨特特殊美學。
Lei Ti was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. His
generation has grown up with traditional Chinese values, but also with the
influences of other Eastern and Western cultures. This new exposure is causing
a 5000-year-old culture to evolve through self-reflection and inclusiveness of
foreign culture. This global generation’s popular common goal is to break the
bad old ways of thinking and make progress towards creating a unique new global
Chinese age.
Lei Ti’s work is about explaining Chinese
culture in that spirit of reflection and re-interpretation from the
contemporary view. Lei Ti uses Pop Art to explain life and current events. It’s
an interpretation of 5000 years of the Chinese culture’s ways of thinking, and
how to continue the spirit of the “Descendants of the Dragon.”
In modern art, the artwork and media are
closely linked. What to paint? How? Why? Firecrackers are a special symbol in
Chinese culture. Firecrackers have many different names in Chinese and origins
rooted in 2000 years of history – mainly used in the exorcism of evil.
Contemporary Chinese people use firecrackers for traditional and religious
festivals, weddings, and celebrations. Burned firecrackers leave marks with a
distinct beauty, which Lei Ti combines with printmaking methods. Lei Ti
sketches the image first, makes a kind of stencil, then burns the firecrackers
on the paper. How the firecrackers leave their marks is always unpredictable,
which forms a natural unique aesthetic.